Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Sony Ericsson W300i reviews

Sony Ericsson W300i Walkman mobile phone, clamshell music phone
So what are people saying about the W300i? Well, loved the w3001 crystal-clear call quality, both through the phone itself and via a bluetooth headset. Indeed, the audible features of the W300i shone out all round, with the sounds from its MP3 player being very clear - but then, this is to be hoped for from a Walkman phone! have an extensive w3001 on their site, where everything from the W300i's menu, to its buttons, user interface and nifty multimedia features are discussed.

Search the web, and you'll find few W300i reviews, as it's a low end phone, and hence not worth the time of most reviewed. But don't overlook this little gem - the W300i may be the poor relation of Sony Ericsson's walkman phones, but if you want a good looking cheap phone with excellent sound qualities, it coudl be exactly what you need.

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